Know the story of Marian Bello

I am the founder of Mayam Organizer, Venezuelan, I was born in Caracas (from Los Leones del Caracas, as it should be), daughter of Venezuelans and lover of lasagna (Italian grandmother) and flamenco (Spanish grandfather).

I studied primary and secondary school in nuns’ school, which I remember with nostalgia and love it madly. Where I learned the gift of discipline and order. From my school I went straight to the university where I graduated as a business administrator and where I met my husband (today we have been married for 16 years, and we have a 13-year-old heartthrob and an 11-year-old princess).

Since I was little I always had a fairly clear map of the things I wanted, which is why I started working after school, in the pharmaceutical and mass consumption industry, while studying at the University, in laboratories like Jhonson & amp; Jhonson, Colgate Palmolive, Novartis Nutrition, Gerber Baby Food and Roche Laboratories where I learned everything I know today regarding marketing, plus an MBA in marketing that I did to close my professional career of more than 20 years.

In June 2010 we decided to come and live in Miami, and although I have always been an obsessed lover of order, it was not until mid-2017 that I gave my life a comeback and decided to start my own company, thus Mayam Organizer was born. That dream come true of being able to contribute with others contributing my passion to organize physical spaces efficiently, generating harmonious, practical areas that stay organized for longer.

“My passion: organizing physical spaces efficiently, generating harmonious areas”.

M A Y A M    O R G A N I Z E R 

Know our services


Services of

Advice on how to place objects systematically, harmoniously and efficiently…
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Advice to get rid of belongings that are no longer serving their purpose before packing…
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Instructions to organize physical spaces at a distance, explaining the methodology to be used and supervising…
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Services of

Aimed at people in general who are interested in the organization: mothers, housewives, and especially for…
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Design of

Visits to take measurements, draw up a plan of the areas and generate a design for the closet based on the needs
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